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Tuesday, June 4

Where accused was last seen with deceased, it becomes duty of accused to explain circumstances

Rohtash Kumar vs. State of Haryana, Criminal Appeal No.  896 of 2011, Decided on May 29, 2013
The Hon’ble Supreme Court held:

In cases where the accused was last seen with the deceased victim (last seen-together theory) just before the incident, it becomes the duty of the accused to explain the circumstances under which the death of the victim occurred”. [Para 24]

“Thus, the doctrine of “last seen together” shifts the burden of proof on the accused, requiring him to explain how the incident had occurred. Failure on the part of the accused to furnish any explanation in this regard, would give rise to a very strong presumption against him”.[Para 25]

The Court referred following case law:

Trimukh Maroti Kirkan v. State of Maharashtra, (2006) 10 SCC 681, wherein the SC held as under:

“Where an accused is alleged to have committed the murder of his wife and the prosecution succeeds in leading evidence to show that shortly before the commission of crime they were seen together or the offence takes place in the dwelling home where the husband also normally resided, it has been consistently held that if the accused does not offer any explanation how the wife received injuries or offers an explanation which is found to be false, it is a strong circumstance which indicates that he is responsible for commission of the crime.”

Prithipal Singh & Ors. v. State of Punjab & Anr., (2012) 1 SCC 10)

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